French Saison Activator Wyeast ACT3711- 4.25 oz. by Midwest Homebrewing and Winemaking Supplies
French Saison Activator Wyeast ACT3711- 4.25 oz. by Midwest Homebrewing and Winemaking Supplies
As of 2025-02-13 00:08:42 GMT (more info)
Not Available - stock arriving soon
Description of French Saison Activator Wyeast ACT3711- 4.25 oz. by... are happy to offer the brilliant French Saison Activator Wyeast ACT3711- 4.25 oz..
With so many available right now, it is great to have a name you can trust. The French Saison Activator Wyeast ACT3711- 4.25 oz. is certainly that and will be a superb purchase.
For this reduced price, the French Saison Activator Wyeast ACT3711- 4.25 oz. is widely respected and is always a regular choice amongst lots of people. Midwest Homebrewing and Winemaking Supplies have provided some nice touches and this means good value for money.
Manufacturer Description
A very versatile strain that produces Saison or farmhouse style beers as well as other Belgian style beers that are highly aromatic (estery), peppery, spicy and citrusy. This strain enhances the use of spices and aroma hops, and is extremely attenuative but leaves an unexpected silky and rich mouthfeel. This strain can also be used to re-start stuck fermentations or in high gravity beers.
Product Features
Flocculation: Low
Attenuation: 77-83%
Temperature Range: 65-77F 18-25C
Alcohol Tolerance: ABV 12%