HomeBrewStuff 32 QT Stainless Steel Kettle with Valve & Thermometer by HomeBrewStuff
HomeBrewStuff 32 QT Stainless Steel Kettle with Valve & Thermometer by HomeBrewStuff
As of 2025-02-13 03:39:53 GMT (more info)
Not Available - stock arriving soon
Description of HomeBrewStuff 32 QT Stainless Steel Kettle with Valve...
moonshinestuff.com are proud to present the excellent HomeBrewStuff 32 QT Stainless Steel Kettle with Valve & Thermometer.
With so many available today, it is great to have a brand you can recognise. The HomeBrewStuff 32 QT Stainless Steel Kettle with Valve & Thermometer is certainly that and will be a perfect buy.
For this price, the HomeBrewStuff 32 QT Stainless Steel Kettle with Valve & Thermometer is highly respected and is a popular choice for many people. HomeBrewStuff have included some great touches and this means good value.
Manufacturer Description
32 quart, 8 gallon, stainless steel kettle with valve and thermometer. Both the valve and the thermometer port are welded in place. This is not a cheap weldless fitting that will wear down and constantly leak over time. The welded fittings cost a little bit more, but do you really want to loose your batch of beer because a cheap gasket was leaking?
Product Features
Polished Stainless steel finish
Weldless Valve kit, and thermometer included All parts are stainless steel
Lid and handles
32 qt size for full wort boil on 5 gallon batches